March 11, 2014
Thank You For Making the Second Annual "Fish Fry" a Success Again This Year!
With a lot of help from our many friends, we held the second annual fish fry here at the SPI KOA in what we hope will become an annual event - as long as the fish cooperate each year by allowing themselves to be caught.
After what seemed like numerous days of less then ideal weather, the clouds finally parted, the sun shown brightly and everyone was more then ready to get out of their rigs and enjoy some food and drink with friends. Approximately 50 of our friends joined us and with the help of my fishing partner Bill Gerling and his wife Linda who worked with Joan, we managed to pull off a very successful time with tons of scrumptious cuisine to choose from. As with all of the gatherings, it seems we are never wanting for enough to eat.
Below are some pictures of events leading up to the "Fish Fry" as well as the event itself - Please enjoy!
I guess I made Bill feel bad catching such a large fish while I was only catching "SMALL" whiting.
I can't believe I talked him into letting it go!! Hee Hee! Oh Well!!
What large fish was that Bill you said you caught? Sounds like a fish story to me!!
Here are some whiting I caught after a few hours fishing to add to our fish fry collection.
The hardest part is not cleaning the fish, but trying not to get bombed from the seagulls flying overhead.
OR keeping the pelicans from stealing your fish as they actually land right next to you and reach over to steal the fish from you!
Welcome - Lets start the fish fry!
Just a couple of appetizers to start things off.
What a neat way to serve assorted fruit.
Save room for the fish.
Below we share with you the highly secret process we use for the fish fry!
Below we share with you the highly secret process we use for the fish fry!
Letting the Canola oil get to 350 degrees - Almost ready!
Bill is the "Official" shaker as he coats the fish filets with the
Dorothy Dawson's Fish & Chip Batter Mix
Here we go! Placing the filets in the oil.
Ensuring the oil stays above 300 but not over 350 degrees as the filets cook until they float to the surface - about 3 minutes.
There Done!
First batch ready to eat.
Bring it on!
Phil and Linda Andrews - Linda is in heaven as she found Joan's potato salad.
Judy Holmberg grabbing some scrumptious delights.
The tomatoes with fresh mozzarella and basil were soooo good.
More fish on the way everyone!
Greg and Reo - making their way through the line.
Mary holding a bottle of "Kemps Ridley" beer from the local SPI brewery.
Here is a picture of the "Fish Fry Team" taking a break.
Tom is praying that Joan made some French Éclair Cake for dessert!
Finally getting a chance to get some food.
OK Tom - Here come the desserts!
Joan - Is that really a French Éclair Cake?!
Your prayers have been answered.

Look at all of the Desserts!
Tom - is that you on the left with your plate and fork in hand waiting for the first piece?
Yum Yum!
Thanks So Much To Our Photographers!
Ted Holmberg
Larry Slate
Thank You both for taking the pictures for us to use for our blog!
Below are pictures of all of our friends enjoying the fish fry.
Please enjoy.
Lining up to enjoy the fish filets.
With approximately 50 friends gathering to enjoy the fish fry, we expanded onto the KOA roadway.Tom is praying that Joan made some French Éclair Cake for dessert!
Finally getting a chance to get some food.
OK Tom - Here come the desserts!
Joan - Is that really a French Éclair Cake?!
Your prayers have been answered.
Look at all of the Desserts!
Tom - is that you on the left with your plate and fork in hand waiting for the first piece?
Yum Yum!
Thanks So Much To Our Photographers!
Ted Holmberg
Larry Slate
Thank You both for taking the pictures for us to use for our blog!
Below are pictures of all of our friends enjoying the fish fry.
Please enjoy.
As the sun sets one more time on SPI - Joan and I would like to thank our friends for making the 2nd Annual Fish Fry such a special evening!